Fortnite Season 8 Battle Pass Challenges Week 1

Use vending machines in different matches 3 deal damage to opponents while using at least one balloon 100 battle pass.
Fortnite season 8 battle pass challenges week 1. The season 8 week 1 challenges are now live in fortnite s battle royale mode asking players to find pirate camps visit giant faces and get specific eliminations. Publisher game play guides and game news. Here s what you need to do this time around. Search the treasure map signpost found in paradise palms stage 2.
The game has. Fortnite week 3 challenges have gone live on ps4 xbox one pc nintendo switch and android. The battle pass for season 8 ran from february 28th 2019 until may 9th 2019. Free challenges visit all pirate camps 7 search chests at retail row or junk junction 7 stage 1.
It will be interesting to see how epic games goes about designing the challenges with so many marvel heroes now in the picture. There are too many changes to count in today s massive fortnite update. Free pass rewards are available to all players and purchase is not necessary while battle pass rewards are only available to players that purchased. All in game items that can be unlocked stay and do not expire.
Deal damage with a shotgun and an explosive weapon in a single match 2 battle pass challenges visit a giant face in the desert the jungle and. Search the x on the treasure map signpost in paradise palms. Season 8 is now live which means a new set of challenges are available to complete for week 1. One of the few constants in the battle royale challenges are back for season 4 to no one s surprise.
Here s the challenges that we re looking at for week 8 of season 8. Fortnite s season 8 week 1 challenges will send you to pirate camps and volcano vents. Currently you can no longer earn any rewards complete challenges from season 8 as that season has ended. Here are all the fortnite chapter 2 season 4 week 1 challenges and how to solve them.
It s that time again as the week 1 challenges went live in fortnite chapter 2 season 4 yesterday.