Fortnite Deadpool Destroy Toilets Challenge

Deadpool has a very specific request of you first though.
Fortnite deadpool destroy toilets challenge. Destroy 3 toilets to complete the. Now for this one you will have to actually join a game as opposed to doing it from the. Destroy toilets is one of the deadpool s weekly challenges that comes with chapter 2 season 2. Fortnite deadpool destroy toilets find toilet plunger locations.
This season all fortnite battle pass owners can access deadpool s weekly challenges to unlock the marvel superhero skin. One of the two challenges for the third week of the season is be to destroy toilets. After getting the plunger the next week 3 deadpool challenge requires players to destroy three toilets. Thankfully you can find the porcelain potties all over the island inside of houses.
Published on mar 6 2020 destroy toilets locations fortnite deadpool challenge make your way to pleasant park and go into the 3 houses that are in the video. To complete this challenge for deadpool you ll need to well destroy toilets.